Intimacy Issues
Intimacy Issues
Intimacy is the closeness of two individuals ranging from an emotional sharing to a physical sharing. Many immediately confuse intimacy with physical contact. Intimacy can be a very close conversation between two people and is not just making love. When we address fears in general they universally stem from a past experience, lack of experience, trauma, and or shattered sense of self. Some individuals feel grossly wounded and because of this fear rarely approach for an intimate moment. Of course one of the most common issues is fear of being rejected. Not being secure of one’s self or feeling insecure, and not confident will lead to fear of closeness. The vast majority of intimacy issues in a relationship will fester and lead to tension, anger and distancing in a relationship. These issues MUST be addressed on some level if the relationship is to flourish.
Avoidance of Vulnerability
Dependence on Porn
Life Stress Has Burned Out Your Libido
Living Separate Lives
Issues with Trust, Respect, and Commitment